Done: The Night Strangers.

The Night Strangers, by Chris Bohjalian
I wrote a mid-read review of this story in my previous post, so this will be short and sweet.

Despite numerous interruptions (work, Christmas shopping, work, soccer practice, work, doctor appointments, work, etc.) I finally was able to finish The Night Strangers.  Everything I wrote before about the author's narrative style and the quality of the prose remains true. 

As for the story itself...ultimately, it was satisfying.  I don't mean that to sound underwhelming, because really it was very good.  It doesn't make my Top-5 Favorite Novels of All Time list, but I definitely would recommend it to others. 

One of the things that makes it such a good read is that the storyline -- particularly the ending -- is unpredictable.  Mid-way through, and all the way up until the very last word, I found myself making guesses about the tack Bohjalian would take.  But I was wrong.  In addition, I also found myself predicting how a number of different scenes would turn out, and again I was wrong.  Every time.  I was wrong on all counts, and that's a definite plus.  If I can predict one chapter in how a story will end, then I feel a little cheated -- and disappointed.  Any author who can keep me guessing and unable to see where it'll all end up when the last page is turned is an author whose works I'll return to.

And another thing: Bohjalian draws this story out as if it could really happen.  It's a thriller, indeed.  There are elements of the paranormal, a question of sanity, something akin to magic, another something that might or might not be witchcraft (in the traditional spells and potions sense).  But Bohjalian blends these things into the story in such a way that they don't cause that unappreciated mental jolt that reminds me I'm reading a work of fiction.  Flat out, the story seems possible, believable.  Odd, perhaps.  Unlikely, even.  But still plausible.   

No spoilers, but as I have already written, the ending to this story -- for me, at  least -- was full of twists and turns and, generally, the unexpected.

All in all, a good read.  Recommended.

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