Late to the Party. As Always.

I have this penchant for ignoring my friends' (and now my son's) reading recs, until something like the last book in the series (Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling), or an impending movie release (The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins) spurs me into action.

I read all of the first six Harry Potter Books in the six months leading up to the release of Deathly Hollows. Finished Half-Blood Prince a week before DH came out and was standing in line at midnight to buy it. (For the record, my receipt says I purchased the book at 12:07.) Then I did go ahead and read that one in 24 hours.

Cut to last night, when I stayed up until the crack of dawn to read The Hunger Games all in one go. My son has been raving about the series for ages now, and since I want to take both of my boys to the movie next week I decided to get with the program and at least see what the fuss is all about.

And that fuss? Well-warranted. And then some. I've got the Kindle Fire all charged up and am planning to start Catching Fire on my lunch break this afternoon.

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