So, I'm working from home today. Which is not so much to say that I'm being paid to perform my job whilst sitting in my bed with sleeping kitties lying around and keeping my feet warm, as it is to say I'm taking a vacation day but working on said day because there still are deadlines and I still must make them.
I have a number of interesting assignments due in the next week: two research feature stories, a summary of recent (single-disease specific) research for one of the magazines, and a more generalized summary of recent (multi-disease) research that will be made into a glossy, photo-filled fundraising "update" for a specific target audience (big donors). There are several other things I'm working on -- online news items, publicity for a new round of grants and anything else research-wise that should happen to fall out of publication-land and demand my immediate attention.
I have off every Tuesday through the end of the year because I had to burn up my remaining 2011 vacation days. This will be my third, so far. Unfortunately, though I'd planned to use some of this time to draft some of the novel (need a working title, so that I won't have to keep referring to it as "the novel"), this hasn't happened. Or, you know, I'd have reported it here.
Anyway, I plan to get one of the aforementioned major work projects finished and emailed in to my boss today. It shouldn't take all that long, but then I have to pick up the boys after school and take them to the doctor's office for their check-ups. Then, of course, Sammy has soccer tonight. And then there's dinner, at least one load of laundry, getting the boys ready for school tomorrow (and me for work) and everyone into bed.
Hopefully I can squeeze a little bit of writing in, even if I have to do it longhand in a journal while at Sammy's practice. I'm going to place the odds of that happening at around 20 percent. And that's probably far too generous.
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